Christmas with the DeVrees

Christmas night we celebrated Christmas with my side of the family. We had a great night!

Christmas with the Neales!

Christmas Eve we celebrated Christmas with David's side of the family. There was TONS of food, and we had lots of fun!

Wintery Weekend

We had a great weekend enjoying the snow. Saturday Eli helped David blow out the driveway. Sunday we went sledding with Grandpa DeVree and Aunt Sarah in Zeeland. Elias cried the first time down the hill, but after that he had fun. We did lose a pacifier going down the sledding hill. I guess bringing a white pipe wasn't the best idea! We are looking forward to going sledding again. Hopefully even more friends and family will be able to join us!

A Sad Time to Give Thanks

Thanksgiving Morning I woke to symptoms of a miscarriage. David and I knew it was going to happen we just didn't know when. We tried to make the most of Thanksgiving, thinking when it happened we would deal with it then.

Friday morning at 3:30am I was awakened by extreme pain. I knew it was time. Over the next hour or so we lost the baby. We know it happened for a reason. Better this than further into the pregnancy, or for something to be wrong, and the baby not healthy.

We are thankful for the child we already have been blessed with. We are thankful the miscarriage happened on a long weekend- giving us time to adjust, and deal with our emotions. We are thankful for our friends and family who have been very compassionate.

This isn't the end, only the beginning. Someday we will try again. For now we can have more one-on-one time with Elias, I can work on being healthier, and we have time to prepare for adding a second child to our family.