AHHHHH! Weigh in is Approaching

Only one more day before the first weigh in on Wednesday. I am feeling pretty good about it. My beginning weight for the challenge was 175. When I weighed in a few days ago I was at 172.5....so that's not too bad if that's the number my scale shows on Wednesday. I cannot believe the competition in this challenge! I am a VERY competitive person....and I HATE losing. So- game on! I can't wait to spend my winnings. :)

By the Numbers:

Current Weight: ?
Weekly Mileage: 2.08 miles

Weight Loss Challenge

My sister Melissa and I have started a weight loss challenge!! I am very excited and can't wait for it to start on September 1st. If you would like to join us check out our blog for details.

www.winatlosing2010.blogspot.com I am definitely going to win- but would love to have more competitors so check it out! :)

My 5k is fast approaching! I have been trying to get some mileage when I can, but the weather has not been friendly for running. I was able to get 1.85 miles in today on my lunch break- so that was AWESOME!

Current Stats:
Weight: 172.5lbs
Weekly Mileage: 1.85 miles

It's Official!

Well I have officially signed up for a 5k! No excuses anymore- I need to train! Yay! I am very excited not only to complete my very first race, but to also run for a great cause. I am running for the Susan G Komen foundation. I am running for all of the women in my life- in hopes that none of them will ever be affected by breast cancer. So here's to the women in my life- Gwen, Mom, Missy, Sarah, Cadence, Kate, Grandma H, Grandma D, Terri, Robin, Theresa, Shawna, Amelia, Becky, Sara, and so many more! I love you all!

To see my progress or if you would like to sponsor me- check out my website: http://race.komengr.org/goto/amber.neale

Current Stats:

Weight: 176.5lbs
Weekly Mileage: .25 (yes a quarter mile of me and Gwen on the tread mill lol)

Plan B

I would like to say I have excuses- but there are none. I didn't get a single run in last week. Because I'm a fair weather runner (80+ degrees in my house is too hot for my body) and my lack of planning skills I had a horrible fitness week. Lack of planning skills because I could have gone to work earlier, and ran on their treadmills.

However, I did have a plan B: Sabotage the competition. Eli has been asking to make cookies for the last couple of weeks, and I thought two days before our next weigh in- and after a horrible fitness week for me would be perfect! Eli dropped off a plate of yummy cookies to each of my competitors. Here's to better fitness week! (Hey it can't get any worse than ZERO runs) :)

Current Stats:

Weekly Mileage: 0

Current Weight: 178lbs

Game On

Back to the grind today after a long holiday weekend. We had a great time at the trailer and spent the hot days playing in the water, walking around the park, and having a great time with friends and family.

With the holiday weekend, I left myself splurge and take a break from my running/eating rituals. It was hot, there were ice cream socials, and sometimes it is important to let yourself indulge so not to fall off of the wagon completely. So- with that said my mileage logged and weight loss accomplishment for last week is not too exciting. Last week I logged 10.63 miles. I was off to an AWESOME start and then took a few days off towards the end of the week. And my weight loss was a half a pound....I guess I should have passed on the scotcheroo I snuck at my parents house. So my results are not very exciting.

The good news however is that I am part of a friendly weight loss competition for the next few weeks. I thought for sure this challenge was more of a donation to the "Amber needs new running shoes" fund because in the past I have always won these friendly competitions- however last night I found out my competition may be serious this time! Well I have two words for my competition: BRING IT! Oh it's on now baby!

Starting today I am back to calculating my intake versus my burn. I am back to getting my mileage in or cross training on the extremely hot days. I am back on track!

Current Weight: 179lb
Weekly Mileage: 0 miles

Happy Sad

Last week was slightly disappointing. I didn't get my mileage in for the week which was sad. I did however complete my first unofficial 5k which makes me happy! Overall, I have no excuses for not logging miles- but it was HUMID! I completed 11.43 miles last week. 1.96 miles less than the previous week... Oh! I did get into the 170's though! Yippee!! I am officially down to 179.5lbs. Go me- Go me! :)

Current Stats:

Weight: 179.5
Weekly Miles Logged: 3.44

Week 4

This is a big week! Gwen rolled over for the first time, and was officially 3 months old yesterday! Go Gwen! :) This is also a big week, as I am hoping to finally fall into the 170's for weight...hopefully. I was off to a rough start at the beginning of the week and was gaining a pound a day for no apparent reason. I was concerned it may be due to my thyroid issue and was just monitoring it, and thankfully I'm back down to where I was! I also have set a goal to log 14 miles this week. Here's to a strong week!

Current Stats:

Weight: 180 lbs
Miles Logged: 4.43

Running Update

I made it through my first week back to work! It felt great to focus on projects and get right back into the swing of things. Gwen and Eli were able to spend quality time with their dad and grandma, but of course I miss them like crazy when I am at work.

With my new schedule, I have learned to get my runs in right when I wake up. This is the best option to ensure I get my weekly mileage. I am very proud of myself for beating my first week's mileage. Although not by much, I still logged the most miles so far this week! Now it's time to register for a 10k- to have a goal and stay motivated.

Current Stats
Current Weight- 180.5 (down 1lb this week)
BMI- 28.3
Weekly Miles logged- 13.39 Miles

We're Home!

Well we are home from a great week long vacation on Hamlin Lake. We spent the week hiking, fishing, swimming, and I even got some running in! What I didn't get in was homework, and will be working on that all day today for class tomorrow.

When I weighed in last week Monday, I was at 183lbs. This morning I weighed in at 181.5lbs! Yay! I worked really hard in the beginning of the week, but was a little nervous that the end of the week would wipe out the work of the beginning of the week. The end of the week brought rain, and I didn't get as much exercise in as I would have liked. Also, David got an ice cream bug and kept hitting Dairy Queen. I watched portions and stuck with a vanilla baby ice cream cone. I'm glad I did!

My goals this week include: Continue weight loss even with going back to the work stress and a sedentary job.

Also, I would like to beat the mileage I logged my first week. I logged over 12 miles, and will be attempting to log more every week! Here's to a great week!

Current Stats:
Weight: 181.5lbs
BMI: 28.4
Miles logged: 0

Status Update #1

Well, we are off to Ludington until Sunday! My goal is to increase my mileage this week. I will update my blog with the final figures from last week when I get back.

Current Weight before vacation: 183lbs

Weight Loss Accountability

Our family went to the beach in Ludington for a fun afternoon. At the beach, my sister-in-law took the below photo of my husband and I. When I looked at it (seeing my protruding gut) I asked for a redo so I could "correct" that problem by sucking it in.

The more I thought about it- this picture is my inspiration to get healthy. This photo will be posted on my fridge as a deterrent from late night snacking. It's time to get serious about getting back to my pre-pregnancy health. I have set two goals for myself-

1. Run a 10k this fall

2. Get back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 155lbs

Plan of Attack: Calories in- Energy Out

I have purchased a Body Media Fit that calculates the calories I burn throughout the day. By eating less calories than I burn in a day, my body will begin to burn my stored energy (fat) for energy. I intend to lose 1-2lbs a week.

What I need from you:

1. Hold me accountable. Read my blog and make sure I am continuing to update it with my progress. My goal is to update my blog with progress reports at least twice a week. (Next week will be an exception because I will be up north on vacation without a computer). Lastly, a lot of women believe their weight is personal information, however I am sharing this information to keep me accountable.

2. Be Supportive. Walking or Running partners are great. Healthy recipes are awesome. Anything to help me achieve my goals. And if anyone wants to complete a 10k with me this fall, let me know!

Current Info:

Weight: 184.5 lbs

BMI: 28.9

Miles Logged this week: 10.6 so far

Sprinkler under the trampoline!

What is summer without getting wet on the trampoline. Eli had a blast and has been asking to do it again and again. I think David was reliving his childhood that afternoon! The water was FREEZING but it felt really great in the heat.

Our Newest Addition-Gwen

Well I'm slightly behind on my blogging...but here is Gwen! She is two months old now and is such a happy baby. Eli loves her so much and refers to her as "my Gwen". I love watching them grow together and cannot wait until they can begin to play together. I hope they continue to love each other as much as they do now.