It's Official!

Well I have officially signed up for a 5k! No excuses anymore- I need to train! Yay! I am very excited not only to complete my very first race, but to also run for a great cause. I am running for the Susan G Komen foundation. I am running for all of the women in my life- in hopes that none of them will ever be affected by breast cancer. So here's to the women in my life- Gwen, Mom, Missy, Sarah, Cadence, Kate, Grandma H, Grandma D, Terri, Robin, Theresa, Shawna, Amelia, Becky, Sara, and so many more! I love you all!

To see my progress or if you would like to sponsor me- check out my website:

Current Stats:

Weight: 176.5lbs
Weekly Mileage: .25 (yes a quarter mile of me and Gwen on the tread mill lol)

Plan B

I would like to say I have excuses- but there are none. I didn't get a single run in last week. Because I'm a fair weather runner (80+ degrees in my house is too hot for my body) and my lack of planning skills I had a horrible fitness week. Lack of planning skills because I could have gone to work earlier, and ran on their treadmills.

However, I did have a plan B: Sabotage the competition. Eli has been asking to make cookies for the last couple of weeks, and I thought two days before our next weigh in- and after a horrible fitness week for me would be perfect! Eli dropped off a plate of yummy cookies to each of my competitors. Here's to better fitness week! (Hey it can't get any worse than ZERO runs) :)

Current Stats:

Weekly Mileage: 0

Current Weight: 178lbs

Game On

Back to the grind today after a long holiday weekend. We had a great time at the trailer and spent the hot days playing in the water, walking around the park, and having a great time with friends and family.

With the holiday weekend, I left myself splurge and take a break from my running/eating rituals. It was hot, there were ice cream socials, and sometimes it is important to let yourself indulge so not to fall off of the wagon completely. So- with that said my mileage logged and weight loss accomplishment for last week is not too exciting. Last week I logged 10.63 miles. I was off to an AWESOME start and then took a few days off towards the end of the week. And my weight loss was a half a pound....I guess I should have passed on the scotcheroo I snuck at my parents house. So my results are not very exciting.

The good news however is that I am part of a friendly weight loss competition for the next few weeks. I thought for sure this challenge was more of a donation to the "Amber needs new running shoes" fund because in the past I have always won these friendly competitions- however last night I found out my competition may be serious this time! Well I have two words for my competition: BRING IT! Oh it's on now baby!

Starting today I am back to calculating my intake versus my burn. I am back to getting my mileage in or cross training on the extremely hot days. I am back on track!

Current Weight: 179lb
Weekly Mileage: 0 miles