Summer Haircuts

Well it was time for David and Eli to get a haircut. Because it is SOOO hot right now, a buzz cut sounded like a good idea! David cut Eli's hair, and Dave cut David's. There was a ton on hair on the ground when they haircuts were complete! Eli looks so much older! When Eli saw himself in the mirror with his shorter style, he just started laughing!

Our Second Home

We are on vacation this week in Ludington- Laman's Landing. David and I have a travel trailer on a seasonal lot in the campground. So far everything has been going well. Elias isn't used to having boundaries of where he can and cannot play... that we are still working on. David has already caught two baby turtles. We have been to the state park twice, swam in the pool, and walked, jogged, strolled, and pulled the wagon around Laman's Landing about 100 times. Elias LOVES to take trips around the park by wagon, stroller, or bike cart.