Happy Birthday Chris and Missy!

Sunday we celebrated Chris and Missy's birthday. We had awesome food, and a great time. Elias was entertained the whole night by Cadence and Sarah. It was really nice.

Great Lakes Crossings

Saturday we spent the day at Great Lakes Crossings. We had a lot of fun shopping. I was surprised to see Hudsonville representing in the food court. We were able to watch the presentation at Big Bass Pro Shop of feeding the fish in the aquarium. I can't wait to go back!

Updates of Elias

The only thing happening in the Neale household is Elias. He is getting into EVERYTHING! His new game is to find electronics that are plugged in, so he can pull the cord out of the outlet and plug it back in himself! Yikes! We have had to block all of our outlets!

Elias also is beginning to do everything for himself. This includes feeding himself. This usually isn't a problem until he wants to eat foods like yogurt.

Lastly, even though Elias is almost a year and a half he is yet to sleep through the night in his own bed. Well...the tough love technique started last night. For those of you who are not familiar with this, when Eli wakes up we have to let him cry for 10 minutes. We can then go comfort him without picking him up, and then leave the room. If he cries again we have to let him cry for 15 minutes before going into his room. This continues by adding 5 extra minutes each time he cries... not fun for either of us! So wish us luck as we try to break the family bed habit!